Credit Class for Carbon Removal through Biochar Production

Published September 6, 2023


Developer: Kulshan Carbon Trust

Project Activity: Biochar Production and Application

Offset Generation Method: Carbon Removal

Sectoral Scope: Waste Handling and Disposal

Abstract: The Credit Class for Carbon Removal through Biochar Production focuses on carbon removal which would have resulted from the decomposition of waste biomass. The approved benefit of atmospheric regulation through carbon sequestration is driven by carbon removals and emission reductions through the production and application of biochar to soils. By providing a community led vehicle to finance biochar production, this credit class helps to repurpose forestry slash and feedstock from the logging industry to generate carbon offsets, while reducing wildfire risk, improving forest health, and addressing invasive species emergence. Projects registered under this Credit Class test the best practices to measure, report, and verify biochar production credits and create a regional value chain of suppliers and landowners.

KCT Biochar Credit Class v1.0.pdf

Document History

Initial Submissions

This includes some initial inline comments before a formal review process started

Initial Submission_KCT Biochar Credit Class v1.0.pdf

Last updated